The Afar People

The Afar (Afar: Qafár), also known as the Danakil, Adali and Odali, are an ethnic group inhabiting the Horn of Africa. They primarily live in the Afar Region of Ethiopia and in northern Djibouti, although some also inhabit the southern point of Eritrea. Afars speak the Afar language, which is part of the Cushitic branch of the Afroasiatic family (Wikipedia).

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50 Kinder haben ein neues Zuhause!

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Krieg in Äthiopien

Seit 1.5 Jahren herrscht Krieg in Äthiopien. Wir geben euch...

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News August 2020

Die Strassen waren gesperrt – der Flughafen geschlossen – rien...

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